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Healing, Strengthening, and Advancing the Lives of LGBTQ People Seeking Recovery

Signs of Cocaine Addiction to Watch For

Man with signs of cocaine addiction

Of all the so-called party drugs, cocaine has the most glamorous reputation. After all, it’s the drug of choice for Wall Street bankers, mafiosos, and ecstatic partiers alike. But this shiny surface conceals the darker reality of cocaine addiction. In this article, we’ll unravel the signs of cocaine addiction, exploring the physical, psychological, and behavioral indicators to watch out for in yourself or a loved one.  

Learn about La Fuente’s cocaine addiction program by calling 888.903.9898. 

Understanding Cocaine 

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant commonly used in the context of partying. It’s sourced from the leaves of the Erythroxylum coca plant, a bush predominantly found in Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. After harvesting, it’s processed into one of two forms. 

The first variant is a fine, white powder often referred to as blow or coke. Typically, individuals snort it, but it can also be rubbed on the gums or injected. The second form is a solid, rock-like substance known as crack or rock. This type requires chemical processing and is commonly smoked.

The effects of cocaine are characterized by a rapid onset of heightened energy, increased sociability, and pleasurable sensations. However, these effects are relatively short-lived, lasting approximately 30 minutes.

What is Cocaine Addiction?

Most drugs pose a risk of addiction, and cocaine is no exception. It’s recognized as one of the most addictive substances on the planet, mainly due to its binge and crash cycle. Here’s how it works: When someone uses cocaine, they feel its effects almost instantly. However, these effects last only a few minutes, prompting the user to take another hit to sustain the high, thereby perpetuating the cycle.

Over time, the body and mind get accustomed to the drug, building a tolerance that requires increasing amounts of cocaine to feel the same effects. Even occasional use can quickly spiral into a pattern of misuse and addiction. 

Cocaine addiction involves a persistent and compulsive pattern of seeking, using, and craving the drug despite knowing its negative consequences. In other words, people with cocaine addiction often lose control over their drug use and continue using it, despite being aware of its harmful effects. This leads to significant disruptions in their relationships, work, and overall well-being.

Signs of Cocaine Addiction 

Man in handcuffs with bag of cocaine

As with other substances, the signs of cocaine addiction vary from person to person. With that said, many physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms point to cocaine use disorder. 

General signs of cocaine addiction

Similar to other substances, cocaine addiction may present the following symptoms:

  • Needing to take more and more cocaine to feel the desired effect
  • Feeling agitated, restless, or depressed if you reduce your dosage or stop taking cocaine
  • Inability to cut back or quit despite multiple attempts
  • Spending lots of time thinking about or trying to get cocaine
  • Pushing aside social relationships and work responsibilities in favor of taking cocaine

Physical signs of cocaine addiction

  • Elevated body temperature
  • High blood pressure
  • Persistent runny nose or nosebleeds
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Loss of appetite
  • Reduced need for sleep and/or insomnia

Psychological signs of cocaine addiction

  • Restlessness
  • Hallucinations
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Paranoia
  • Depression, mood swings, and irritability

Behavioral signs of cocaine addiction

  • Speaking excessively, rapidly, and excitedly
  • Sudden, unexplained bursts of hyperactivity
  • Acting impulsively
  • Stealing or borrowing money
  • Lying
  • Engaging in risky behaviors
  • Violence
  • Neglecting responsibilities 
  • Legal troubles
  • Continued cocaine use despite problems

Long-term effects of cocaine addiction 

While many cocaine users can balance their drug use with daily responsibilities for a while, it doesn’t take long for physical, psychological, and behavioral problems to arise. Some of these include:

  • Liver damage
  • Kidney damage
  • Increased risk for heart attacks and strokes
  • Long-term cognitive impairment
  • Family problems
  • Relationship breakdowns
  • Ongoing financial problems
  • Job loss and unemployment
  • Arrest and imprisonment
  • Suicidal thoughts

Get Help for Cocaine Addiction at La Fuente Hollywood 

Cocaine addiction impacts people from all walks of life, but members of the LGBTQ community are particularly vulnerable to its effects. This vulnerability comes from the fact that a lot of socializing within the community happens in bars, clubs, and parties. In these venues, the use of party drugs is not only accepted but often expected.

At La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center, we recognize the intricate dynamics between cocaine use and the LGBTQ community, and we’ve designed our cocaine addiction treatment program to address these unique factors. In that way, members of the LGBTQ community receive a more personalized experience, something we believe makes our interventions more effective. 

Call 888.903.9898  to find out more about La Fuente’s cocaine addiction treatment program. 

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