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Healing, Strengthening, and Advancing the Lives of LGBTQ People Seeking Recovery

Does Family Therapy Actually Work?

Family laying on ground smiling after family therapy

Addiction can strain family relationships and end long-term relationships. Family support can also make a difference throughout addiction recovery. Often it can be challenging for loved ones to understand and accept addiction. It can be just as hard for someone living with addiction to understand how addiction affects the entire family. Working with a counselor in a family therapy program is one of the best ways to help the whole family overcome addiction together. But does family therapy work?

If you and your loved ones are looking for a family therapy program in Hollywood, California, call La Fuente Hollywood today to learn about our family addiction counseling at 888.903.9898 to learn more about our intimate LGBTQ addiction recovery programs and our family therapy benefits.

What Is Family Therapy?

Family therapy is a type of therapy for family members and loved ones to overcome addiction together. Family therapy serves all kinds of close relationships and groups of loved ones. Working with family therapists can provide couples, parents and children, and other family groups with a nonjudgmental perspective on relationship dynamics, communication, and mental health. They can help families understand unhealthy power dynamics and behavior through weekly or bimonthly sessions.

Does Family Therapy Work?

Does family therapy work? Well, it depends. Family therapy may not be suitable for everyone. Unfortunately, many people in the LGBTQ community struggle with complex family relationships. Sometimes, families are not ready to reconcile. However, those who can benefit from working with a family therapist. Benefits of family therapy include:

  • Improved communication skills
  • Active listening
  • Healthy boundaries
  • Improved problem-solving skills
  • Understanding the experience of others
  • Understanding and changing behavior patterns
  • Recognizing family dynamics
  • More easily adapting to change
  • Proactively addressing dysfunction
  • Coping tools for life changes and daily stress

These are only a few benefits of family therapy. Every family is unique and made of individual people with different and shared experiences; this means that different techniques, approaches, and therapists will help different families thrive in addiction recovery. A therapist can help loved ones recognize harmful dynamics, patterns, and beliefs. In a session, families will often explore:

  • Roleplay, modeling, and thought experiments
  • Psychodynamic techniques for emotional insight
  • Structural techniques for healthy boundaries
  • Stress reduction techniques
  • Practices for active listening and conflict resolution

Through non-judgemental, open communication, loved ones gain a deeper understanding of themselves and how addiction affects every member of a family.

Begin Family Therapy in Hollywood, California Today

Everyone’s path to addiction recovery is unique. Therapy is a large part of every journey to sobriety. Family therapy may be suitable for you and your loved ones living with addiction if:

  • Family members are willing the change
  • Your family has undergone collective stress or trauma together
  • Your family has trouble talking about emotions and feelings.
  • You need better boundaries at home.
  • You struggle to communicate with each other.
  • You’re reading to support family members’ addiction and mental health.
  • You’re ready for addiction and mental health education.

If you and your loved ones are ready to take steps towards healthier relationships and family dynamics, the team at La Fuente Hollywood can help. Our LGBTQ addiction treatment center provides inclusive, intimate treatment for addiction, including family therapy. We believe the LGBTQ community is stronger together, which is why we’re healing addiction right here in the Hollywood community every day. With a range of inpatient and outpatient treatment programs for addiction and mental health, we have the program for you.

Learn More About the Benefits of Family Therapy at La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center

Family therapy works and can help you and your loved ones today. If you’re ready to learn more about what family therapy can do for your family, contact La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center today at 888.903.9898 for more information.

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