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Healing, Strengthening, and Advancing the Lives of LGBTQ People Seeking Recovery

How to Have Fun Sober: 11 Tips

How to have fun sober

Completing rehab, whether it’s a residential program or outpatient treatment, is a huge accomplishment worth celebrating. But once the congratulatory texts stop and life settles into a normal rhythm, adjusting to your new sober lifestyle can be tough. Amongst other things, you might wonder how to fill your free time and connect with friends without heading to a bar. 

It might feel daunting at first, but don’t worry! There are plenty of activities you can enjoy without alcohol. In this article, we’ll cover 11 tips to help you discover the joy of sober fun and embrace your newfound freedom with enthusiasm. 

Ready to get sober? Call La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center at 888.903.9898. 

The Importance of Sober Fun 

Before we dive into the sober fun tips, let’s talk about why they’re so important. 

When you commit to sobriety, the pressure from friends, family, and colleagues to drink feels never-ending. As the drink invitations pile up, you might start asking yourself “why is it so hard to socialize without alcohol?” or “what’s the harm in just one drink?” 

These types of questions jeopardize your sobriety and make you question if it’s even possible to have fun without alcohol. But staying sober means not letting these doubts win. Instead, it’s about finding alcohol-free ways to enjoy life while still having a blast. 

11 Tips for Having Fun Sober 

Living a sober lifestyle doesn’t mean saying goodbye to fun. It’s a chance to discover a whole new world of pleasurable activities. From forging new friendships to experiencing healthy highs and delving into self-expression, there’s a variety of ways to enjoy yourself without a drink.  

In this section, we’ll discuss 11 sober tips and activities that promise to reignite your zest for life. 

1. Make new friends

Transitioning to a sober lifestyle often means reevaluating your social circle. While it’s tough to accept, many drinking buddies don’t transition well into sober companions. And while your true friends will stand by you, you might notice fewer invitations once you announce your sobriety. 

Rather than feeling disheartened, view this as an opportunity to cultivate new connections. Your new friends don’t necessarily have to be sober, but it’s important to meet them in substance-free environments. With that said, having sober friends, especially those who have overcome substance abuse themselves, will provide you with invaluable support as you navigate your newfound sobriety.

2. Have a plan 

Preparing for a night out might not sound as exciting as pre-gaming, but it’s essential if you want to stay sober. Start by reflecting on how you’re feeling and decide what you want out of the event. From there, formulate your exit strategy, whether that means leaving when you feel tired or setting a specific curfew. 

Additionally, plan your transportation. Many newly sober people opt to drive themselves. This ensures they stay sober and gives them the flexibility to leave whenever they feel like it. Lastly, don’t hesitate to slip away discreetly when leaving. While it may seem impolite, it can prevent unwanted pressure to stay longer or decline drinks.

3. Move Your Body

Whether you hit the gym, take up running, or try your hand at rock climbing, physical activity provides a healthy dose of dopamine, making it an excellent substitute for alcohol or drug use. 

But exercise isn’t just about lifting your mood. It’s also a powerful tool against depression, a common challenge for many people in recovery. Furthermore, tuning into your body’s needs helps you build a stronger connection with yourself, enhancing your confidence as you navigate the ups and downs of recovery. 

4. Attend Alcohol-Free Events and Festivals 

Parties and festivals are usually synonymous with heavy drinking, but thanks to the rise in sober culture, more and more events are providing guests with an alcohol-free experience. 

Here are just a few to check out:

Daybreaker – An organization providing early-morning, alcohol-free dance parties in cities across the country. 

The Shine – Volunteer-produced alcohol-free variety shows in Los Angeles, New York, and London. Events feature music from local bands, short films, group meditations, and healthy food. 

Bhakti Fest – A yoga, dance, and sacred music festival held annually in Joshua Tree, California. 

5. Experiment with Alcohol-Free Drinks 

Not too long ago, opting out of alcohol meant settling for a plain club soda or a bland non-alcoholic beer. Thankfully, drink companies have stepped up, creating non-alcoholic beverages that actually taste good. From alcohol-free beers and wines to non-alcoholic spirits, botanical elixirs, and mocktails, the options are expanding. Take some time to explore these options and find drinks you enjoy. Having a few go-to drinks ensures you feel included when you go out and saves you from constantly explaining why you’re not drinking.

6. Tap into Your Creativity

Being sober brings about significant life changes, including confronting emotions you once numbed with substances. These feelings can be overwhelming, underscoring the importance of finding healthy outlets for expression. Whether it’s writing poetry, painting, singing, or gardening, engaging in creative activities helps you connect with yourself and have fun in the process. 

Don’t worry if the idea of being “creative” seems daunting. You don’t have to be an artist to benefit. From snapping photos with your phone to trying out new recipes, anything that sparks your imagination is a wonderful way to express yourself and uplift your spirit.

7. Explore Your Spirituality

Engaging in activities like meditation, yoga, and journaling not only provides a sense of calm and connection but also offers a fulfilling way to spend your time and energy. Moreover, developing a deeper understanding of yourself can strengthen your resolve to stay sober and inspire others on their own paths to recovery.

8. Enroll in a Course 

Enrolling in a course can be a transformative step in recovery, allowing you to redefine your self-image and explore new interests. Whether it’s pursuing an online course in professional development or trying your hand at creative writing, the opportunities for personal growth are endless. Remember that the goal isn’t scoring the highest grades. Rather, it’s about rediscovering the joy of learning and approaching life with curiosity. 

9. Travel 

Addiction often robs us of our dreams, but now that you’re sober, it’s time to take them back. Consider that destination you’ve always dreamed of and start planning your journey. Wherever you choose to venture, embrace the confidence that comes with exploring new horizons, meeting people from different cultures, and pushing beyond your comfort zone. 

If jet-setting isn’t on the agenda, don’t overlook the treasures in your backyard. Rediscover your hometown as a tourist, uncovering its museums, landmarks, and restaurants with fresh enthusiasm. Even if you think you’ve seen it all, you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised by the hidden gems waiting just around the corner.

10. Get Lost in a Book

Addiction gets in the way of life’s simple pleasures, like the comfort of getting lost in a good book. However small they may seem, reclaiming these moments of solace is crucial for lasting recovery. So, dive into a gripping thriller, travel through time with historical fiction, or find inspiration with one of these quit lit titles:

  • The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober 
  • This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness & Change Your Life
  • Glorious Rock Bottom
  • We Are The Luckiest: The Surprising Magic Of A Sober Life

11. Volunteer

Believe it or not, volunteering has been scientifically shown to cultivate enduring feelings of joy and fulfillment. Beyond the mood-boosting benefits, it offers an excellent opportunity to socialize and contribute to your community. Whether you adore animals, appreciate nature, or have a heart for helping the less fortunate, you’ll have no trouble finding an organization that needs your help. 

Begin Your Sober Life at La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center

Many people continue drinking longer than they’d like due to the fear of being seen as boring or missing out on social events. But as this article shows, sober living is not only achievable but can lead to fulfilling experiences. 

If you or a loved one needs help getting sober,  please reach out to La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center at 888.903.9898. Our Los Angeles facility specializes in providing comfortable, welcoming, and culturally sensitive treatment tailored to the LGBTQ community.

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