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Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Healing, Strengthening, and Advancing the Lives of LGBTQ People Seeking Recovery

smiling young person engages in dialectical behavior therapy with an addiction treatment professional in an office settingMental health is essential for addiction recovery and overall well-being. In fact, at least half of people living with substance use disorders also have co-occurring disorders like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Unfortunately, these numbers are often higher in the LGBTQ community. At La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center, we understand our community lacks the necessary resources for mental health and addiction recovery. That’s why our programs focus on individual and community healing through behavioral therapies like dialectical behavior therapy for holistic recovery.

If you or someone you love is ready to feel the difference with DBT, our California addiction therapy treatment programs are here to help. With state-of-the-art evidence-based and holistic treatment for drugs, alcohol, and mental health disorders, La Fuente has the program for you. Call us now at 888.903.9898 to learn more about how DBT can help you thrive.

What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

Dialectical behavior therapy, commonly called DBT, is a popular type of behavioral talk therapy. Behavioral therapy focuses on developing new healthy behaviors, thought patterns, and belief systems. DBT has an added focus on managing mental health and increasing emotional wellness. Clients meet with our DBT therapists in group, individual, and family therapy sessions for 60 to 90 minutes per session. The therapist listens as the client voices their concerns and discusses daily habits. This can reduce stress, eliminate addiction triggers, and help clients feel more grounded in their lives. At La Fuente, our therapists often pair DBT and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to find the right tools, exercises, and coping mechanisms for a client’s individual needs.

Benefits of Dialectical Behavior Therapy

During therapy sessions, the therapist provides the client with exercises, tools, and homework. Often, individual sessions will build on skills that are also used in family and group therapy. Clients work on exercises between sessions to increase their emotional capacity and intelligence.

Clients at La Fuente love DBT because it is a natural and effective tool to decrease stress, diffuse emotions, and cope with addiction triggers. DBT also offers the following benefits:

  • Helps clients understand and recognize toxic relationships
  • Increase mindfulness
  • Reduce anxiety and anger
  • Improve communication
  • Develop a powerful ability to say “no”

DBT therapists help clients understand and reframe addiction while increasing their ability to withstand emotions. This can reduce self-soothing and self-medicating behaviors like drinking and drug use.

At La Fuente, our DBT programs help clients in residential and outpatient treatment get in touch with their emotions, build firm boundaries, and self-advocate in a safe, inclusive community. Alongside dual diagnosis for mental health disorders, our DBT addiction therapy programs give clients the tools they need to thrive.

Begin LBTGQ California Addiction Treatment Therapy Now

Like CBT, Dialectical behavior therapy is an evidence-based therapy. This means the tools and techniques of DBT come from successful scientific research and trials. New research and studies result in new tools, exercises, and support for therapists, keeping DBT safe, current, and effective for mental health and addiction recovery. At La Fuente, we pride ourselves on staying at the forefront of addiction therapy by providing a community space where LGBTQ clients can heal together.

If you or someone you love in the LGBTQ community is ready to improve your emotional intelligence and reduce addiction triggers, our DBT programs can help. Our intimate West Hollywood clinic is here to support you with dual-diagnosis treatments for mental health and substance use disorders. Along with CBT and DBT, our addiction therapy programs include the following:

  • Meditative therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
  • Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
  • Psychotherapy
  • Person-centered therapy

No matter where you are in your recovery, our inclusive programs can help. Many of our compassionate staff members are in recovery themselves, providing our community with a rich range of experiences through every stage in the recovery process. With robust alumni programs and relapse prevention, we’re here to help you achieve long-term sobriety.

Learn More About Dialectical Behavior Therapy in California

Don’t wait. Contact us online or call us now at 888.903.9898 and speak with our staff and learn more about how DBT can support you.