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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Healing, Strengthening, and Advancing the Lives of LGBTQ People Seeking Recovery

young person discusses the benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy with an addiction treatment specialistCognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a leader in addiction therapy. Like other types of talk therapy, CBT helps clients understand behaviors, change thought patterns, and get to the root of addiction. Unfortunately, many people in the LGBTQ community lack safe, accessible addiction therapy, making it harder to recover from drug and alcohol use. At La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center, we focus on community-based addiction therapy, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, to help clients and the LGBTQ community recover together.

If you or someone you love is ready to recover with cognitive-behavioral therapy, call La Fuente today to learn about our Hollywood, California addiction therapy program. With cutting-edge treatment for drugs, alcohol, and mental health disorders, we’re here to help you thrive. Reach our staff now at 888.903.9898 to learn more about the benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy for addiction recovery.

What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Addiction Recovery?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a common type of behavioral talk therapy. As the name suggests, behavioral therapies address a client’s belief systems, thought patterns, overall mental health, and daily behaviors. CBT is the most common talk therapy for addiction recovery because it helps clients change their behaviors at a pace that works for each client’s unique needs. During sessions, CBT therapists provide clients with coping tools, exercises, and stress management strategies for daily life. Over time, they work together to stop self-harming behaviors and thought patterns.

At La Fuente, we use CBT tools in our individual, group, and family therapy sessions to improve understanding, emotional intelligence, and communication. With dual diagnosis, CBT can help manage mental health disorders like anxiety and depression while also providing vital mental health education to clients and their loved ones. Sessions with a CBT therapist last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes, depending on a client’s needs and recovery program.

Benefits of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Addiction

CBT is popular among addiction therapists because it is a gentle form of talk therapy that works. Over time, clients become more independent, confident, and secure in their needs. Cognitive-behavior therapy provides a consistent, client-paced support system to help clients manage stress, fear, and negative thought patterns.

At La Fuente, our CBT therapy programs provide clients with individualized and community care geared towards the needs of LBGTQ clients. Our therapists help clients with the following:

  • Overcome negative beliefs
  • Understand personal behaviors
  • Build stronger communication skills
  • Understanding mental health and mental health disorders
  • Relapse prevention
  • Building personal schedules
  • Setting and meeting goals
  • Managing daily stressors
  • Establishing and setting effective boundaries

Whether clients join our residential or outpatient treatment programs, CBT can help them reduce addiction triggers, build self-care skills, and prioritize sobriety.

Learn More About Our LGBTQ Hollywood California Addiction Therapy

No matter where you are in recovery, CBT can help. Recovery can be isolating, especially for those in the LGBTQ community—that’s why the team at La Fuente prioritizes individual and community health.

If you or someone you love in the LGBTQ community is ready to make breakthroughs with CBT, our intimate West Hollywood clinic provides inclusive dual diagnosis treatments with a range of residential and outpatient treatment options. Along with CBT, our addiction therapy programs include:

  • Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Meditative therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)

At La Fuente, many of our compassionate staff members are in recovery themselves. They understand the ups and downs of the recovery process and how addiction and mental health disorders affect our community. Our relapse prevention and robust alumni program help the community stay stronger together.

Get Started with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Now

Reach out online or call today to learn more about our addiction therapy programs at 888.903.9898 and speak with an intake specialist to get started.